``` Fibra Inn - Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice governs the processing of personal data by Fibra Inn and its "portfolio of hotels" under the terms provided by the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA HELD BY PRIVATE PARTIES (the Law or the LFPDPPP) and by the regulatory and/or administrative provisions derived or related to the Law.

Fibra Inn, with address at Belisario Domínguez 2725-Piso PH Obispado Monterrey Nuevo León Mexico C.P. 64060, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them, and their protection.

I. Information collected and mechanisms for its collection

Fibra Inn, through its "portfolio of hotels", processes your personal data, which means information that can reasonably identify you and which may be contained in various documents, whether printed or in data messages. Your personal information will be used to provide the lodging services entered into between you as a guest, provider, worker, candidate, or user and any of the lodging establishments operated by our group. For the aforementioned purposes, the personal data collected and/or processed include, among others: your name and surname; address, whether personal, work, or tax; email address, personal or work; phone number, personal or work; license plate number of your vehicle, photocopy of an official ID issued by an authority, credit card number and security code, expiration date of the same; professional information; or others of a similar nature that allow our "Portfolio of hotels" to operate and fulfill its commercial, administrative, and labor obligations.

Fibra Inn does not request sensitive personal data such as those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical, and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference.

Personal data are collected through: i) the use of emails; ii) telephone communication with our authorized personnel; iii) the voluntary provision of information and personal data in interviews with authorized personnel; iv) filling out forms – printed or digital; and v) the use of public access sources and other sources available in the market.

II. Purposes of the processing

In the area of services to clients and/or guests, the main purposes of the processing of personal data are:

  • Fulfill obligations derived from a legal relationship between the holder of such data (THE CLIENT and/or THE GUEST) and any of the lodging establishments operated by the group, consisting of said legal relationship in a lodging contract;
  • Integrate and maintain an updated database of clients and/or guests;
  • Confirm the identity of the client and/or guest and/or their legal representative;
  • Comply with legal requirements that apply to them;
  • Provide information about: conditions, policies, and provisions for the contracting and use of services and facilities; means of payment; rates for services and modalities;
  • Send promotional material from the "portfolio of hotels";
  • Manage the entry and exit of guests;
  • Monitor and control physical and logical access to hotel facilities;
  • Manage food services, room service, cleaning and maintenance of rooms, and telephone assistance, among others.
  • Manage security;
  • Prepare internal statistics that indicate the services and products most appreciated by clients and/or guests;
  • Manage charges and collection via bank cards, credits, and cash;
  • Send invoices;
  • Manage the rewards program;
  • Use the various services of the website of our "portfolio of hotels";
  • Any other activity of a similar nature to those previously mentioned.
  • In the area of suppliers, the main purposes of the processing of personal data are:
  • Supplier management: including their selection and contracting process, the management of contracting or purchase orders;
  • Receipt and payment of invoices and/or fee receipts, and
  • Any other activity of a similar nature to those previously mentioned.
  • In the labor area, the main purposes of the processing of personal data are:
  • Selection, recruitment, and hiring of personnel;
  • Management of personnel benefits;
  • Payroll payment;
  • Payment of retributions, taxes, and contributions of the personnel;
  • Payment of employer contributions and obligations;
  • Training management;
  • Control of physical and logical access to facilities and IT assets of our "portfolio of hotels";
  • Internal control over personnel and assigned resources, and
  • Any other activity of a similar nature to those previously mentioned.
  • In the user area, the main purposes of the processing of personal data are:
  • Contact via email or any other means the user to attend and follow up on their comments or requests submitted in the "Contact" section of https://fibrainn.mx/;
  • Resolve user doubts regarding the "portfolio of hotels";
  • Use the various services of the website of our "portfolio of hotels"; and
  • Any other activity of a similar nature to those previously mentioned.

III. Data transfers

Fibra Inn and its "portfolio of hotels" inform you that in order to fulfill their commercial obligations, including the provision of services to their clients and/or guests, the contracting of suppliers, as well as to fulfill their labor obligations, they have entered or will enter into various contracts with suppliers located both domestically and abroad, to provide various services that allow them to carry out their activities in Mexico, understanding that these suppliers are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data provided and to observe the Privacy Notices of the national or international franchising hotel companies to which our "portfolio of hotels" belongs for their corporate management, under the principle of confidentiality, observing this notice, and subject to the same data protection policies.

Fibra Inn and its portfolio of hotels may also transfer the personal data contained in their databases to any of their parent companies and/or their subsidiaries and/or affiliates and/or any company in the same group that operates under the same internal processes and policies, unless the respective holders expressly express their opposition.

IV. Measures to protect personal data

Personal data processed by Fibra Inn and its portfolio of hotels are protected by adequate administrative, technical, and physical security measures against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or unauthorized use, access, or processing, in accordance with the provisions of the LFPDPPP and the administrative regulation derived from it. All personal data stored in electronic format are kept in confidential and secure databases.

V. Means to exercise ARCO Rights

To exercise ARCO Rights, the Holder or their representative has the right to access, rectify, and cancel their personal data, as well as to oppose the processing thereof or revoke the consent that has been granted to us for such purposes, through a written request in Spanish, which must be presented at the address of Fibra Inn indicated at the beginning of this notice or at any of its portfolio of hotels, or sent by postal mail, upon payment of the corresponding postage to the mentioned address; such request for access, rectification , cancellation, or opposition must contain and be accompanied by the following: the name of the holder and address or other means to communicate the response to their request, the documents that prove the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the holder, the clear and precise description of the personal data for which any of the aforementioned rights is sought to be exercised, and any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data, and insert their name and autograph signature; the period to address their request will be a maximum of twenty business days counted from the date of receipt of their request.

You may submit to Fibra Inn or any of its "portfolio of hotels" a request for access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition to the processing of data through the various means we make available to you:



Tel: 52 (81) 5000 0200; protecciondedatos@fibrainn.mx

To access the request forms, request them via email.

In the event of revocation of consent that may have been granted for the processing of your personal data, this may result in Fibra Inn and/or any of the lodging establishments operated by the group being unable to continue providing the requested service or needing to conclude it, or being unable to continue with the recruitment and selection process that has been initiated.

VI. Data Protection Department.

For any query regarding the protection of your personal data: Belisario Domínguez 2725-Piso PH Obispado Monterrey Nuevo León Mexico C.P. 64060 Tel: 52 (81) 5000 0200; protecciondedatos@fibrainn.mx

If you wish to stop receiving promotional messages from us, you can request it at Tel: 52 (81) 5000 0200; protecciondedatos@fibrainn.mx

VII. Changes to privacy notices

Fibra Inn and its portfolio of hotels reserve the right to modify this privacy notice in order to implement improvements, incorporate new measures provided for in the Law and other regulatory provisions, notifying you through visible announcements in our lodging establishments and by updating the information contained on our website: https://fibrainn.mx/aviso-privacidad and/or personally through our staff when you visit our facilities, without prejudice to also being able to use any other means provided by the applicable legislation.

VIII. Consent Statement

I, HOLDER OF PERSONAL DATA, expressly declare that I accept without reservation or limitation the content of this Privacy Notice through my autograph signature affixed to the registration form. Likewise, the act of completing the printed or electronic forms constitutes my full and express acceptance of this Privacy Notice and any modification and/or update thereof and I accept that Fibra Inn, its portfolio of hotels, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and suppliers, located in Mexico and abroad, process my personal data under the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

This Privacy Notice has been drafted in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 33, 36 of the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA HELD BY PRIVATE PARTIES.

Based on the provisions of Article 10, Section IV of the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA HELD BY PRIVATE PARTIES, the personal data requested is intended to fulfill obligations arising from a legal relationship between the holder of such data (THE GUEST and/or THE SUPPLIER and/or THE WORKER and/or THE CANDIDATE and/or THE USER) and Fibra Inn and/or any of the lodging establishments operated by the group, consisting of said legal relationship in a lodging contract, or service provision, or work, or any other means as applicable.

IX. Privacy notice updates

Last review: January, 2024.